When to consider Surrogacy?

When to consider Surrogacy?

When to consider Surrogacy for realizing your Parenthood Dreams

Altruistic surrogacy, also known as gestational surrogacy, is a compassionate arrangement where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a child for intended parents who cannot do so themselves. Unlike commercial surrogacy, altruistic surrogates do not receive any monetary compensation beyond reimbursement for medical expenses and pregnancy-related costs. The primary motivation for altruistic surrogates is a desire to help others and experience the joy of bringing life into the world.

When to Consider Altruistic Surrogacy

If you're struggling with infertility or a medical condition that prevents you from carrying a pregnancy, altruistic surrogacy may be a viable option. Here are some common scenarios where it might be considered:

Uterine Issues: Conditions like uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or a complete or partial hysterectomy can make carrying a pregnancy difficult or impossible.

Repeated Miscarriages: Recurrent miscarriages can be emotionally devastating and may indicate underlying health issues that prevent successful pregnancies.

Advanced Age: As women age, their fertility declines. If you're over 35 and facing challenges conceiving, surrogacy may be a solution.

Genetic Disorders: If you or your partner have a genetic condition that could be passed on to a child, surrogacy can help you have a healthy baby.

The Benefits of Altruistic Surrogacy

Biological Connection: Altruistic surrogacy allows you to have a biological child, ensuring a genetic connection.

Emotional Fulfillment: It can be a deeply fulfilling experience to become a parent through surrogacy, even if the pregnancy journey is different.

Altruistic Act: By choosing altruistic surrogacy, you're helping another couple realize their dream of having a family.

Legal Protection: India's surrogacy laws are designed to protect the rights of both intended parents and surrogates, ensuring a safe and legal process.

Why Choose New World Fertility Centre in Delhi?

New World Fertility Centre in Delhi is a renowned fertility clinic with a proven track record in assisting couples with their surrogacy journey. Here's why you should consider choosing them:

Experienced Team: Their team of fertility specialists, doctors, and nurses has extensive experience in handling surrogacy cases.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: The clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure successful outcomes.

Comprehensive Support: They provide comprehensive support throughout the entire surrogacy process, including medical care, legal guidance, and emotional counseling.

Ethical Practices: New World Fertility Centre adheres to strict ethical guidelines and prioritizes the well-being of both intended parents and surrogates.

The Surrogacy Process

The surrogacy process typically involves several steps:

Initial Consultation: You'll meet with a fertility specialist to discuss your medical history, fertility challenges, and surrogacy options.

Matching with a Surrogate: The clinic will help you find a suitable surrogate who meets your criteria and is willing to carry your child.

Legal Procedures: Legal documents will be prepared to outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

IVF Treatment: The intended parents will undergo IVF treatment to create embryos, which will then be transferred to the surrogate.

Pregnancy and Delivery: The surrogate will carry the pregnancy to term and deliver the baby.

Post-Delivery Arrangements: Arrangements will be made for the baby's care and transfer to the intended parents.


Altruistic surrogacy can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey for those who are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves. By choosing a reputable fertility clinic like New World Fertility Centre in Delhi, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome and receive the support you need throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

1. What is altruistic surrogacy?

Altruistic surrogacy, also known as gestational surrogacy, is an arrangement where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a child for intended parents who cannot do so themselves. The surrogate does not receive any monetary compensation beyond reimbursement for medical expenses and pregnancy-related costs.

2. Who is eligible for altruistic surrogacy?

Intended parents who are unable to carry a pregnancy due to medical reasons, such as uterine issues, repeated miscarriages, or advanced age, may be eligible for altruistic surrogacy.

3. What are the benefits of altruistic surrogacy?

  • Biological connection: Intended parents can have a biological child.
  • Emotional fulfillment: It can be a deeply fulfilling experience for intended parents.
  • Altruistic act: It helps another couple realize their dream of having a family.
  • Legal protection: India's surrogacy laws protect the rights of both intended parents and surrogates.

4. How does the surrogacy process work?

The process typically involves:

  • Initial consultation: Intended parents meet with a fertility specialist to discuss their options.
  • Matching with a surrogate: The clinic helps find a suitable surrogate.
  • Legal procedures: Documents are prepared to outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties.
  • IVF treatment: Embryos are created and transferred to the surrogate.
  • Pregnancy and delivery: The surrogate carries the pregnancy to term.
  • Post-delivery arrangements: Arrangements are made for the baby's care and transfer.

5. How long does the surrogacy process take?

The entire process can take approximately 9-12 months, including IVF treatment, pregnancy, and delivery.