Altruistic Surrogacy-Its Pros & Cons

Altruistic Surrogacy-Its Pros & Cons

Altruistic Surrogacy-Its Pros & Cons

Altruistic surrogacy is an arrangement where a surrogate mother agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple without receiving financial compensation beyond medical expenses. This type of surrogacy is often chosen for its ethical and compassionate aspects. However, it comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. At New World Fertility Centre, we aim to provide comprehensive support and guidance for individuals considering altruistic surrogacy. Let’s explore the pros and cons of this compassionate approach.

Pros of Altruistic Surrogacy

Cost-Effectiveness: Altruistic surrogacy often comes with reduced financial costs compared to commercial surrogacy. Since the surrogate does not receive a fee beyond medical expenses, intended parents can save on significant surrogacy-related costs.

Stronger Emotional Connection: Altruistic surrogacy is frequently driven by personal relationships or a desire to help. This can lead to a stronger emotional bond between the surrogate and the intended parents, fostering a sense of shared purpose and commitment.

Ethical Considerations: Many people choose altruistic surrogacy because it avoids the potential exploitation associated with commercial surrogacy. It can be seen as a more ethical approach, emphasizing the surrogate's voluntary and selfless act.

Support from the Surrogate Community: Surrogates involved in altruistic arrangements often receive support from a community of like-minded individuals. This can create a network of emotional and practical support, benefiting both the surrogate and the intended parents.

Less Legal Complexity: Altruistic surrogacy may involve simpler legal agreements, focusing primarily on medical and emotional considerations. This can streamline the process and reduce legal complexities compared to commercial surrogacy.

Cons of Altruistic Surrogacy

Limited Financial Support: While altruistic surrogacy is cost-effective, intended parents must bear all medical expenses and other associated costs. This can still be a significant financial burden, and there may be limited financial support available for the surrogate.

Potential for Emotional Challenges: The emotional dynamics of altruistic surrogacy can be complex. Surrogates may experience emotional attachment to the baby or challenges in navigating the relationship with the intended parents. Clear communication and support are crucial.

Risk of Misunderstandings: Without a financial contract, there may be less clarity regarding expectations and responsibilities. This can lead to misunderstandings or disagreements between the surrogate and the intended parents.

Regulatory and Legal Variability: Altruistic surrogacy laws vary by region, and navigating legal requirements can be challenging. In some areas, the legal framework for altruistic surrogacy may be less well-defined, leading to potential complications.

Medical Risks: As with any pregnancy, there are inherent medical risks for the surrogate. Ensuring comprehensive medical care and support throughout the pregnancy is essential to mitigate these risks.


Altruistic surrogacy offers a compassionate alternative to commercial surrogacy, focusing on helping others without financial gain. At New World Fertility Centre, we are committed to providing expert guidance and support to both surrogates and intended parents throughout the process. Understanding the pros and cons of altruistic surrogacy can help individuals make informed decisions and navigate this profound journey with confidence.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

1. What is altruistic surrogacy?

Altruistic surrogacy is when a surrogate mother carries a pregnancy for another person or couple without receiving financial compensation beyond the coverage of medical expenses and other related costs. It is typically done out of goodwill, often driven by personal connections or a desire to help others.

2. How does altruistic surrogacy differ from commercial surrogacy?

In altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate does not receive payment beyond medical expenses. In contrast, commercial surrogacy involves compensation for the surrogate’s time, effort, and potential risks. Altruistic surrogacy is often chosen for its ethical considerations and lower overall costs.

3. What are the benefits of altruistic surrogacy?

  • Cost-Effective: Lower financial burden as the surrogate receives no compensation beyond medical expenses.
  • Emotional Connection: Potentially stronger bond between the surrogate and intended parents due to personal motives.
  • Ethical Considerations: Avoids potential exploitation and focuses on voluntary, selfless acts.
  • Community Support: Access to support networks and communities of individuals with similar values.
  • Simpler Legal Process: Often involves fewer legal complexities compared to commercial surrogacy.

4. What are the potential challenges of altruistic surrogacy?

  • Limited Financial Support: Intended parents are responsible for all medical and related expenses, which can still be substantial.
  • Emotional Complexities: Surrogates may face emotional challenges related to attachment and navigating relationships.
  • Misunderstandings: Lack of a financial contract may lead to misunderstandings about expectations and responsibilities.
  • Legal Variability: Legal frameworks can vary, potentially leading to complications.
  • Medical Risks: The surrogate faces the inherent risks of pregnancy, requiring comprehensive medical care and support.

5. How do I find a surrogate for an altruistic surrogacy arrangement?

Finding a surrogate can involve personal networks or surrogacy agencies specializing in altruistic arrangements. It’s essential to ensure that both the surrogate and the intended parents are aligned in their expectations and that all legal and medical aspects are thoroughly addressed.

6. What medical and legal support is provided by New World Fertility Centre?

New World Fertility Centre offers comprehensive medical care throughout the surrogacy process, including regular check-ups, monitoring, and support. We also provide guidance on legal matters, helping both the surrogate and intended parents navigate the necessary agreements and regulations.

7. How are medical expenses handled in altruistic surrogacy?

Medical expenses, including prenatal care, delivery, and any related costs, are covered by the intended parents. It is important to have a clear agreement in place to ensure all medical needs are met and that expenses are handled transparently.