Best Altruistic Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Best Altruistic Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Best Altruistic Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

New World Fertility Centre in Delhi stands out as a beacon of hope for those seeking altruistic surrogacy. With a commitment to ethical practices and compassionate care, we are dedicated to helping families achieve their dreams of parenthood through selfless surrogacy.

What is Altruistic Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a method of ART or assisted reproduction, in which a patient who cannot conceive on her own or cannot take her pregnancy to term due to any reason takes help of another woman who carries the former’s pregnancy till term, delivers the baby, and hands over the baby after birth to the original couple. Surrogacy involves first doing an in-vitro fertilisation or ICSI on the eggs and sperms of the patient wife and husband respectively, make their embryos thereof, and subsequently transfer those embryos into the uterus of a surrogate lady instead of transferring them into the original patient’s uterus. The resulting baby out of Surrogacy is strictly 100% that of the original husband and wife, and there is no DNA of the surrogate woman involved in the baby’s DNA.

Surrogacy is useful in which conditions?

  • MRKH syndrome - a condition where there is absence of uterus since birth
  • Asherman syndrome - in which there is damage to inner lining (endometrium) of uterus due to scarring
  • Otherwise diseased uterus like multiple fibroids or Adenomyosis of uterus
  • After hysterectomy or removal of uterus due to any reason
  • Multiple IVF attempt failures or RIF (Repeated Implantation Failure)
  • Medical conditions like uncontrolled diabetes / hypertension / renal or liver disease where the patient cannot carry pregnancy
  • Recurrent miscarriages

Why Choose New World Fertility Centre for Altruistic Surrogacy?

Ethical Practices: At New World Fertility Centre, we adhere to the highest ethical standards, ensuring that all parties involved are treated with dignity and respect. Our altruistic surrogacy program focuses on transparency and informed consent, fostering trust between surrogates and intended parents.

Comprehensive Support: Our dedicated team provides comprehensive support throughout the surrogacy journey. From medical evaluations to psychological counseling, we ensure that both surrogates and intended parents receive the care and guidance they need.

Experienced Specialists: Our fertility specialists are renowned for their expertise in reproductive medicine and surrogacy. With years of experience, they offer personalized care and innovative solutions to address any challenges that may arise during the surrogacy process.

Emotional and Psychological Support: We understand the emotional complexities of surrogacy. Our program includes psychological support for surrogates and intended parents, helping them navigate the emotional aspects of the journey with confidence and resilience.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: New World Fertility Centre is equipped with the latest technology and medical advancements to ensure the highest standards of care. Our state-of-the-art facilities provide a comfortable and secure environment for all aspects of the surrogacy process.

Legal status of Surrogacy in India:

Surrogacy laws vary from country to country. Whereas countries like USA allow commercial Surrogacy, countries like France, Spain, Italy and Germany completely prohibit it. UK, Ireland, Denmark take the middle ground approach wherein Surrogacy is allowed only if the surrogate mother is not paid, or only paid for reasonable expenses.

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2016 recently got passed in the December session of parliament in 2018. The bill ensures regulation of Surrogacy in India and prohibits commercial Surrogacy. Only ALTRUISTIC SURROGACY is allowed wherein the surrogate mother gets reimbursement of only medical expenses and nothing else. Additionally, the couple who wish to avail Surrogacy should have been deemed certified Infertile by a needing Surrogacy services. The surrogate mother should be a ‘close relative’ of either of the couple and she can undergo Surrogacy only once in her lifetime. According to this bill the surrogate mother and the intending couple need eligibility certificates from the appropriate authority commissioned by the local government.

The Surrogacy bill allows only Indian citizens to avail Surrogacy - Foreigners, Non Resident Indians and persons of Indian origin are banned from seeking surrogate mothers in India. Homosexuals, single parents and live-in partners are also not allowed to have children via Surrogacy in India.

The Surrogacy Process at New World Fertility Centre:

  • Starts with initial consult, detailed discussion, blood testing for both partners.
  • Initial consult, psychiatric and emotional consult of the surrogate and her family, blood tests and USG of the surrogate for endometrial evaluation.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the patient (self Surrogacy) or donor (egg donor Surrogacy) using gonadotropin injections (A simultaneous preparation of surrogate’s uterus is happening when the patient is receiving ovarian stimulation).
  • If it is a donor + Surrogacy cycle then the donor is also mandatorily screened as per the ICMR guidelines and only healthy donors fit to become egg donors are selected.
  • Egg retrieval and IVF / ICSI
  • Culturing the embryos and finally transferring your embryos in the surrogate that has already been prepared well.
  • Surplus embryos are frozen and safely kept in the cryogenic containers. We freeze embryos using Vitrification method and we have excellent survival rates after freezing/thawing.


Choosing best altruistic surrogacy centre in Delhi means entrusting your journey to a team that prioritizes ethical practices, comprehensive support, and compassionate care. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your dream of parenthood while ensuring a respectful and supportive environment for all parties. Contact us today to learn more about our altruistic surrogacy program and take the first step towards building your family.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

1. What is altruistic surrogacy?

Altruistic surrogacy involves a surrogate carrying a baby for another family without any financial compensation beyond reimbursement for medical expenses and other reasonable costs. This type of surrogacy is driven by a genuine desire to help others achieve their dream of parenthood, emphasizing ethical practices and emotional support.

2. Why should I choose New World Fertility Centre for altruistic surrogacy?

New World Fertility Centre is renowned for its commitment to ethical surrogacy practices and compassionate care. We provide a transparent and supportive environment for both surrogates and intended parents, ensuring the highest standards of medical and emotional support throughout the surrogacy journey.

3. What support does New World Fertility Centre offer during the surrogacy process?

We offer comprehensive support that includes:

  • Medical Care: Regular health check-ups and monitoring for the surrogate and the baby.
  • Psychological Counseling: Emotional support for both surrogates and intended parents to navigate the complexities of surrogacy.
  • Legal Guidance: Assistance with legal aspects, including drafting and reviewing surrogacy agreements.
  • Emotional Support: Continuous emotional and psychological support to ensure a positive experience for all parties involved.

4. How does the surrogacy process work at New World Fertility Centre?

The surrogacy process typically involves:

  • Initial Consultation: Understanding your needs and expectations to match you with the right surrogate.
  • Medical and Psychological Screening: Evaluations to ensure compatibility and readiness for surrogacy.
  • Legal Considerations: Guidance on legal agreements and rights.
  • Pregnancy Care: Regular medical care and monitoring throughout the pregnancy.
  • Post-Birth Support: Assistance in transitioning to parenthood and support for the surrogate.

5. What are the requirements for becoming a surrogate at New World Fertility Centre?

Potential surrogates must meet certain criteria, including:

  • Good overall health and a healthy lifestyle.
  • A previous successful pregnancy and delivery.
  • No history of serious medical conditions.

Emotional and psychological readiness for surrogacy. We conduct thorough screenings to ensure all potential surrogates meet these requirements.