Best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Surrogacy Treatment at New World Fertility Clinic

Surrogacy involves another woman agreeing to carry and give birth to a child for a couple. The child is biologically related to the intended parents, while the surrogate only carries the baby until birth. In India, gestational surrogacy is a widely accepted method that offers hope to childless couples, allowing them to become biological parents. The process involves fertilizing the couple's egg and sperm in a lab to create an embryo, which is then implanted into the surrogate mother's womb. The surrogate carries the baby to term and, after delivery, hands the baby over to the biological parents. For couples considering surrogacy, New World Fertility Clinic is the best surrogacy centre in Delhi.

Types of Surrogacy in India

Gestational Surrogacy: This is the most commonly chosen method in India, where the intended parents are the biological parents of the child. The surrogate mother acts solely as the birth mother.

Traditional Surrogacy: This is less common in India. In this method, the surrogate mother's eggs are fertilized by the male partner's sperm through artificial insemination. The surrogate is both the biological and birth mother of the baby.

Classification of Surrogacy Based on Compensation

Commercial Surrogacy: Involves financial compensation to the surrogate. This practice is banned in India under the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021.

Altruistic Surrogacy: The surrogate receives no compensation beyond the reimbursement of medical and pregnancy-related expenses and insurance coverage. This is the only legal form of surrogacy in India under the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021.

Why Choose Surrogacy in India?

India is a leading destination for fertility tourism due to its quality healthcare, cost-effective treatment options, and advanced medical infrastructure. The cost of surrogacy in Delhi is about a third of that in the US or Canada, making it an attractive option for many couples. Indian citizens who have been married for at least five years can seek surrogacy services, provided they meet certain criteria, such as the female partner's inability to carry a child due to medical reasons or chronic illness.

Eligibility for Surrogacy in India

  • Married couples with at least five years of marriage
  • Female partners unable to carry a child due to medical reasons
  • Female partners with chronic diseases
  • Couples desiring biological children instead of adoption

Criteria for a Surrogate Mother

  • Must have delivered at least one child before
  • Must be under 45 years of age
  • Free from diseases or infections
  • Must have a healthy uterus capable of carrying a baby to term

Why Choose New World Fertility Clinic?    

Due to past issues with illegal surrogacies and surrogate mistreatment, the Indian government has implemented strict surrogacy laws under the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021. Only certified clinics can perform surrogacies while adhering to these regulations. New World Fertility Clinic, the leading surrogacy hospital in Delhi, strictly follows these guidelines to ensure a high success rate and legal compliance.

Our Strengths:

  1. Compassionate staff providing continuous support and answers to your questions
  2. Comprehensive counseling to address challenges and misinformation
  3. State-of-the-art technology ensuring optimal care and successful procedures
  4. Legal assistance and thorough medical evaluations for informed decision-making

Make your dream of parenthood come true with the perfect combination of science and nature at New World Fertility Clinic. Contact Us: +91 8448786106


1. Why is New World Fertility Centre regarded as the best surrogacy center in Delhi?

New World Fertility Centre is regarded as the top surrogacy center in Delhi due to its experienced medical team, comprehensive fertility services, high success rates, state-of-the-art facilities, ethical practices, patient-centric approach, and comprehensive support services. These qualities ensure that patients receive the best possible care and support throughout their surrogacy journey.

2. Why is New World Fertility considered the best surrogacy hospital in India?

New World Fertility Centre is considered the best surrogacy hospital in India due to its comprehensive care, expert team, advanced technology, ethical practices, personalized support, global recognition, and affordable options.

3. Why is New World Fertility the best option for surrogacy in Delhi?

New World Fertility is renowned for its expertise, success rates, and comprehensive surrogacy services, making it a top choice in Delhi.

4. How does New World Fertility ensure success as India's best surrogacy hospital?

New World Fertility ensures success by providing comprehensive care, advanced medical technology, experienced specialists, and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.

5. What makes New World Fertility the best surrogacy clinic in India?

New World Fertility is recognized as the best surrogacy clinic in India due to its high success rates, experienced medical team, comprehensive services, advanced technology, and personalized care for patients.